Tuesday 16 September 2014

SLOG Week 1

SLOG Week 1:

I am taking MAT157 "Analysis" and MAT240 "Linear Algebra". I'm hoping that these classes, including this one, will overlap nicely with each other. Prior to these classes I had taken philosophy classes on logic, set theory, mathematics, and language. These classes provided me with a nice historical framework for what I'm currently studying. It also allowed me to quickly see that mathematicians are not as rigorous as I once believed. Logicians are a pedantic bunch. Of course, given the context in which they are working one must be careful in proof. They are trying to formally show a more or less direct line of reasoning where only the most patently true intuitions can (sometimes) be taken for granted. Likewise, in mathematics rigor is context dependent. Logicians are generally working on first principles, mathematicians may or may not be.